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[售賣] [大學奪A筆記]Logic Circuit Design (ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING必修科)
2011-12-10 14:32
# 1
城大ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING必修科: Logic Circuit Design


Number Systems and Arithmetic
Number systems and conversion between different radix systems; BCD codes and weighted codes; Complement of binary numbers and signed number representations; Binary arithmetic; Gray codes and ASCII codes; Parity and error correction.

Boolean Functions and Logic Gates
Boolean algebra and Boolean identities; Uniary and binary logic operations; De Morgan's laws; Min-term and max-term canonical forms; Sum of products and products of sums; Basic Logic gates.

Combinational logic design
Gate minimization using Boolean algebra, Karnaugh map and Quine-McCluskey method; Don’t-care cases; Two level logic circuits and one gate type circuits; timing parameters and circuit hazard.
Combinational Function Blocks
Adders and subtractors; Comparators; Decoders and encoders; Multiplexers and Demultiplexers; Programmable logic devices.

Latches, RS, D-type, and master-slave JK flip-flops; Triggering and setting; Timing parameters.

Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit
Concept of states; Mealey and Moore machines; Redundant state elimination; Sequential digital system analysis and design; Design with programmable logic device.

Registers and Counter
Various types of registers and counters; Counters, ripple and synchronous, and applications; Construction of registers and counters.

Logic Families
Introduction to electrical characteristics of TTL, CMOS and ECL Logic Families; General concept of transfer characteristics, operating points and noise margins; fan-in and fan-out; Comparison of families; Interfacing between different families.

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[ 本帖最後由 philip206 於 2011-12-10 15:00 編輯 ]

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